
COVID-19 update

Prominent cases. U.S. President Donald Trump and the First Lady, two U.S. Senators and other White House figures tested positive this week, and the President has been hospitalized.

Experimental treatment. The President was given a drug cocktail that is going through a clinical trial in Memphis. The antibody treatment by Regeneron is designed to reduce viral levels and improve symptoms.

My case. On Friday, I announced that I have completed a doctor-prescribed isolation period following a test that returned positive. My symptoms were mild.

Masks help. The Daily Memphian vouched for my personal practice of wearing masks, which some people find difficult to understand given my opposition to mandates. I encourage everyone to follow Health Department guidance, and I attribute the minimal severity of my case to having taken protective measures, as this article explains.

Learning more.

  • COVID-19 is airborne and particles can travel more than a mile.
  • Infected people may be contagious for about two days prior to experiencing symptoms.
  • Nine in ten recovered patients continue to experience side-effects.

Relaxing orders. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee lifted restrictions in most counties but left in place local authority of health departments in counties like Shelby. Some Tennessee counties are ending their mask mandate, as has the State of Mississippi.

This week. Below, we check in on the state and national numbers in addition to Shelby County’s.

Shelby County

New cases, last 30 days
New cases, all dates
All cases, all dates
Active cases, last 30 days
Tests and % positive, last 30 days. The county started reporting repeat tests on 9/15, adding 132,442 tests to the total on that date.
Daily and cumulative positivity rate.
New cases and tests.
Active cases and current hospitalizations
Current hospitalizations, last 30 days
Current hospitalizations, all reported dates
Acute care staffed beds, current census and COVID-positive patients
ICU staffed beds, current census and COVID-positive patients
Deaths, last 30 days
All deaths
Case fatality rate by age as of 9/30
Case fatality rate by sex as of 9/30
Case fatality rate by race as of 9/30


New cases, last 30 days
New cases, all dates
All cases, all dates
Current cases, all dates
New hospitalizations, all dates
Currently hospitalized
Deaths, last 30 days
All deaths


New cases, last 30 days
New cases, all dates
All cases, all dates
Current cases, all dates
Deaths, last 30 days
All deaths by reported date
All deaths
Flu and COVID-19 fatalities compared
USA leading causes of death

Shelby County: Shelby County Health Department
Tennessee: Tennessee Department of Health
U.S.A.: Johns Hopkins University